Huzzah! What a joy it was hearing and seeing young children being equipped with Biblical truths! This was the culmination of months of prayer, hard work, and a desire to see children live for Jesus. Our VBS week was more than just successful! Children showed up with an eagerness to put on the full armor of God, dig deeper into God’s Word, and surrender their lives to Christ.

As each child walked to a different station, whether it was snacks, crafts, games, or the keep (where they were given a lesson), children heard ABSOLUTE TRUTH - the Bible is our absolute authority, we can trust the Bible to always tell us the truth, and “if we read the Word, we will know the Word”. They were taught to put on the armor of God daily, among other Biblical principles.

A huge THANK YOU to all who worked so hard to make this year’s VBS a great success!


Missions Trip to Kentucky


Timothy Hill Ranch