Camp Indigo
Camp Indigo is located in Pitcher, NY. The property abounds with wildlife and there is nothing like worshiping our Lord under the stars with fellow believers.
The Chestnut Family
Serving the Czech Republic by developing disciple-making resources and training leaders to effectively serve and equip others in their local ministries.
DOXA Foundation International
Glorifying God by providing free education to disadvantaged children in Haiti.
The Gideons
The Gideons exist as an advocate for the lost, to bring them the saving knowledge of the Word through not only placing and distributing Scriptures, but also through personal witnessing and by associating together for service.
Long Island Youth Mentoring
When children look for love and acceptance, they know no other way except what they are given.
His people, expressing His love and His way!
Caleb Nastasi
Serving as a missionary through teaching English as a second language in Argentina
Soundview Pregnancy Services
We are committed to providing personalized and professional services when facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Backyard Missions
Integrity Church’s close-to-home outreach ministry seeks to be the hands and feet of Jesus within our own backyard.